Archaic Artifacts
Nice polish and rusty colored patina in this classic Marion which is in excellent condition.
Rusty Marion
One of the prettiest and best Wacissa points I have seen, super polished, and very translucent. Large and in excellent condition and investment quality with champagne colors.
Call or...
Wow Wacissa
Nice Wacissa with a expertly made fantastic stem, wide and with very desirable pointed basal ears. Excellent and classic example with nice patina.
Wicked Wacis
One of the finest Newnan Caches ever found! Nine gorgeous Newnans made of high grade Hillsborough RIver Basin agate that is both colorful and translucent. These were made by an ancient master...
Newnan Cache
Relly dont want to sell this beauty so its priced accordingly. Some of the most striking color and patina I have seen in a Bolen. Exceptional condition and made by an ancient master....
Haloween Bol
Found by a departed Legend in the Deep South Collecting world many years ago (R.I.P.) One of the finest first stage Bolen points I have ever owned - thin, flawless, polished, with...
Legend Bolen
Well over 9 inches long, this is an amazing Morse Knife with great color and such a RARE find in the Deep South especially from Florida. Feels so food in hand and is in excellent condition but...
Morse Knife
Nice Newnan style stem with soft curvy angled ears instead of the acute right angles but a very nice variant and this is a classic example of the Newnan variant akin to the Pickwick. Really nice...
Very translucent with hot color and nice notches and ears. This Clay is well made and preserved. and displays equally well on either face.
Smolder Clay
Look at this TIP !!!!! SUPER translucent and beautifully made. The one weaker ear looks to have been purposely resharpened off anciently as the blade was reduced but it is not from damage....
Bayonet Bole
About as a tip on a Bolen as you will see, with excellent serrations, polish and color. Displays well on either face and is steeply beveled and is in excellent condition.
Needle Bolen
The Levy point is one of the harder types to find in the Florida Archaic Stemmed family of points. This one is in excellent condition and has nice symmetry at a very nice price.
Dark Levy