Archaic Artifacts
Really nice color and a killer stem on this classic Pickwick from a very prolific site many years ago. Ex Beutell.
Salmon PicWi
Outstanding color and polish in this pristine Cobbs Knife. Well made and preserved, much better than the pics show and almost never offered for sale. Was $799.99
Crimson Cobb
Super fine edgework, almost Hardee quality flaking, on this very nice high grade chert example that displays well on either face. Fine as frog hair.
FHair PWick
Above average length in this well formed and large Elora. Nice thick patina with organic staining, Ex Beutell collection. I havent seen many larger than this one.
Speckled Elo
Classic "crescent moon" notches in this classic Southern Hardin, made of coastal plains chert and in immaculate condition. Super edgework and beveling. Find a better one for this...
South Hardin
Extreme dovetail style base on this Bolen found on many years ago on a South Ga Plantation. Steep bevels, good ears and heavily stained and patinated.
DoveTail Bol
Super translucent Pickick just under 4 inches long that glows when backlit. Made of high grade coastal plains chert with a nice rind cortex on one side of the stem that adds great character.
Butter PicWi
One of the prettiest colored and striped Pinetree points I have ever seen. This one will attract attention is a good example of the type.
PinkStr PTre
They dont get much bigger than this huge Hamilton knife. These were made for heavy duty use and were most likely hafted to a fat bone or wooden handle for the big tough jobs. Definitely...
Huge Hammy
Currently out of Stock
Fantastic Bolen from a fantastic site with delicate intact ears and creamy patination. Tip is anciently resharpened to where the bevels "square off" the tip. Killer Bolen
Oxford DoveB
Lecroys are very hard to find and extremely rare in this pristine condition, especially the barbed ears above the base. Silky patina and classic example.
Crisp Lecroy
Check out that tip ! Another one from my personal collection, this fine Pickwick is well made and preserved and has a killer tiny nipple tip that gives it a lot of character. Nice color and in...
NipTip PWick