Archaic Artifacts
Made of colorful and semi translucent high grade chert, this is a gorgeous and large Benton in good condition and a sure fire centerpiece candidate, in great condition. Ex Beutell collection with...
Not many Morse Knives are found and very few nearly 10 inches long ! In excellent condition and well made with excellent patina and color. Ex Beutell collection with nice provenance. Center piece...
Super "Dog bone" ears and exaggerated side notches, make this a very desirable Beveled point.
Very rare type with great color and highly polished, thin and above average size exmaple.
Super white classic Kirk Serrated with fine "puppy teeth" serrations in excellent condition. Thin and well made and seldom offered for sale this nice.
Call or text Kevin @...
Love the "swamp water" colors in this Hillsborough. Excellent example at a very reasonable price.
One of the finest examples of this rare type I have seen or listed. Thin and in immaculate condition and displays well on either face.
Love the blueish,greeny-gray colors in this super polished Big Sandy with killer ears and tip, at a very nice price.
Translucent with nice color, this drill has a wicked shaped bit and is a very nice drill form with great polish and patina.
Thin, well made, and well preserved, this Lafayette glows when backlit and has outstanding color and polish.
Jolly Lafaye
Super red translucent Bolen Plain (first stage) that glows when backlit. So polished it looks wet, thin, and first stage with almost Hardin like notches. Ex Beutell
Fiery Bolen