Woodland Artifacts
Thin and in excellent condition, this fine Santa Feis coming out of my personal frames and has been there for many years. Displays equally well on either face.
Super polished and tannic stained and very translucent Santa Fe that glows when backlit and in excellent condition.
Super serrated "bone saw" Tallahassee , in excellent condition, and rarely offered for sale this nice. Centerpiece candidate and investment grade.
Love the colors, polish, and translucence in this just about perfectly made Hernando with nice symmetry.
Really love this rare style of Hernando with a shorter style center tang and flaring ears. Great color and Ex Russell Carey collection.
Rare combination to have a serrated Eiffel Tower style Hernando. Nice color and translucence and comes from my personal frames so its above average and a rare offering.
This fine Fairland has super edgework almost Hardee like in quality. Thin, translucent, and in excellent condition and right at 3 inches long.
Very nice polished Gorget with three completed holes and an attempt at a 4th hole on one face. Nice channeled groove on one face fashioned by the ancient artisan, for unknown purposes but...
Polished Gor
One of the most colorful and gorgeous Yadkin points I have seen made of the most interesting lithics known- Briar Creek chert. Will be fine to keep this one, call or text Kevin 229-416-6021...
Very thin and super serrated with nice color and in great condition and approaching 3 inches in length which is seldom seen for the type.
Fantastic Eiffel Tower Hernando from Clinch Co Ga aka "the Flatwoods". Very thin and well made of super translucent coastal plains chert with a nice frosty patina. Hernandos this nice...
From the Armstrong site in Monroe County Misssissippi, these super fine thin blades range from 11 and 1/4 inches down to 8 and 1/2 inches long. Made by an ancient master craftsman, it is a miracle...