Archaic Artifacts
Nice orange hues of color in this super polished Clay make a welcome addition to your display, at a modest price. Thin, and nicer in hand than the pics depict.
Solar Clay
Love the three basic colors in this polished Wacissa, which give it a lot of color and character at an affordable price. Nice example of the type and looks great in a display case.
TriColor Wac
Nice Pickwick that was worked around an inclusion that may have fallen out later but really makes for an excellent conversation piece and relic. Nice patination and lots of character. Not many with...
Holey Pickwi
Nice color, highly polished, wonderful notches, and in great condition. The tip almost appears "bent" due to the ancient resharpenings, which makes for good character and interest. Great price on a...
BT ENotch
Love the shape and speckled color in this lovely Levy. Very nice classic example at a very nice price.
Speckled Lev
Love the steep bevels and exaggerated serrations in this classic Ecusta Bolen. Great color, polish and deep translucence. Excellent example of a rare Bolen subtype in excellent condition.
HypoTip Ecus
Really nice Pickwick made of high grade glossy chert, and its in excellent condition. Really nice blushing color on the stem, visible on both faces. Nice length, and classic lines for the type....
Blush Pickwi