Archaic Artifacts
Super polished and red hot color in this nice Kirk Corner Notch with nice ears and notches. Great example of the type and priced right.
Heater KCN
Super polish and madarin orange colored Marion with nice translucence and classic form of the type. This one will add super color to any frame or collection.
Mandarin Mar
This Savannah RIver is so much nicer in hand than the pics show. Killer tip, flawless base, and the assymetry from ancient resharpenings indicate that this Savannah River saw use as a...
Sexy SavRiv
Classic example of a raw unheat treated Kirk Serrated point made of caramel translucent coastal plains chert that is translucent.
Caramel Kirk
Nice buttery patina on this nice Hillsborough Dart at a very nice price.
Toasty Hills
Really like the color combinations of blue and gray in this Savannah River that also has some nice translucence as an added bonus. A frame of these blue points would look incredible.
Bayou SavRiv
Thin and nearly four inches long and in great condition. Great value for a quality point!
FieldF Clay
If you are looking for an affordable super polished candy point that glows when backlit and has super color, this Levy is sure to please.
Koolaid Levy
Big handful of pretty Pickwick with nice color and polish. Centerpiece candidate in size and appeal. Hard to get points this nice these days.
Splash PWick
Super polished and very translucent this Kirk stemmed has nice ears and excellent color and would make a nice addition to any display.
Kettle Kirk
Classic Seminole with expanding stem and nice drooping ears. Seminole point types are hard to find and acquire so this a rare opportunity on a hard to get type. Centerpiece candidate.
SoGa Seminol
Love the colors in this super glossy Pickwick. Excellent addition to any display or collection.
Plum Pickwic